
"A man who works with his hands is a worker; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works by his hands, his brain and his heart is an artist."

-San Francesco d'Assisi


Handmade is the best made.

I've always believed this. Personally, I've collected so many wonderful handmade pieces over the years, and still use them and wear them. When something is that well-crafted, with heart & passion, .... Well sign me up!  It's a treasure to be enjoyed for years, and that's money well-spent! 
For nearly 10 years, I have put this same passion into making my leather handbags. With careful, intentional craftsmanship, attention to details, high quality materials, and an eye for unique creative embellishments, I want every handbag I make to be YOUR new treasure to enjoy for years to come! 


 I’m Kathy Lee Thompson. Purse Maker/Designer,

and owner of Style in the City Shop. 

I LOVE making handbags for women who are confident, love good quality, and have their own unique style (that Bella Moda!!)  -xoxo